截至本周,以下热门专业 January 2025入学仍可申请的学院推荐:
- 计算机方向:圣力嘉理工学院、百年理工学院、康尼斯托加理工学院、乔治布朗学院、汉博理工学院、谢尔丹学院、范莎学院等
- 医护方向:圣力嘉理工学院、百年理工学院、康尼斯托加理工学院等
- 商科方向:圣力嘉理工学院、百年理工学院、康尼斯托加理工学院、乔治布朗学院、汉博理工学院、谢尔丹学院、范莎学院等
- 工程方向:圣力嘉理工学院、百年理工学院、康尼斯托加理工学院、乔治布朗学院、汉博理工学院、谢尔丹学院、范莎学院等
- 金融方向:圣力嘉理工学院、百年理工学院、康尼斯托加理工学院、乔治布朗学院、汉博理工学院、谢尔丹学院、范莎学院等
截至本周,已经开放Spring 2025申请的加拿大热门学院主要有:
- 范莎学院 Fanshawe College
- 百年理工学院 Centennial College
- 谢尔丹学院 Sheridan College
- 圣力嘉理工学院Seneca Polytechnic College
- 乔治布朗学院 George Brown College
- 康尼斯托加理工学院 Conestoga College
- 乔治亚学院 Georgian College
- 汉博理工学院 Humber Polytechnic College
- 不列颠哥伦比亚理工学院 British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT)
- 温哥华社区学院 Vancouver Community College (VCC)
- 昆特仑理工大学 Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU)
- 道格拉斯学院 Douglas College
- 北阿尔伯塔理工学院 Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT)
- 南阿尔伯塔理工学院 Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT)
- 红河理工学院 Red River College Polytechnic
- 博瓦立学院 Bow Valley College
- 曼省科技技术学院 Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology (MITT)
- 萨省理工学院 Saskatchewan Polytechnic
- Seneca Polytechnic College 圣力嘉理工学院
- Sheridan College谢尔丹学院
- Conestoga College 康尼斯托加理工学院
- George Brown College 乔治布朗学院
- Humber Polytechnic College汉博理工学院
- Fanshawe College 范莎学院
- BCIT 不列颠哥伦比亚理工学院
- Vancouver Community College 温哥华社区学院
- SAIT 南阿尔伯塔理工学院
Seneca Polytechnic College
圣力嘉理工学院(Seneca Polytechnic College)成立于1967年,位于加拿大最大的城市多伦多,是加拿大最大的的公立高等教育学院之一,学院拥有超过二十万毕业生,在全世界各地组成强大的全球校友网络。学院有包括Newnham、Seneca@York、King、Markham、Peterborough Aviation、Yorkgate、Downtown在内等10个校区,下设5所分院,14所校园,提供超过300个学术项目,课程设置以市场需求为导向,涵盖专科、本科、研究生证书及专业培训等,每年有8000多名毕业生,其中95%在毕业半年内找到对口工作。
2025 入学可申请的部分热门专业推荐
- Accounting and Finance
- Artificial Intelligence
Business Analytics
Honours Bachelor of Commerce International Business Management - Business Information Technology
- Chronic Disease Management
Coronary Care Nursing - Computer Programming and Analysis
- Early Childhood Education
- Computer Engineering Technology
- Financial Planning
- Nursing Leadership Management
- Supply Chain Management – Global Logistics
- Nursing in Canada – Transition for Internationally Educated Nurses
目前圣力嘉理工学院针对 2025年1月和2025年5月入学申请均火热进行中,余位有限,欲申从速!
Sheridan College
谢尔丹学院(Sheridan College)是加拿大老牌公立学院,成立于1967年,主校区位于安大略省的奥克维尔市(Oakville),毗邻安大略湖,环境优美,距多伦多约30分钟车程。学院提供小班授课、专注跨学科教育、所有课程由资深老师任教。谢尔丹是世界三大传统动画与计算机动画学校之一,有动画界“小哈佛”的美誉。谢尔丹学院的毕业生在美国好莱坞以及世界各大电脑动画公司从业较多,比如电影魔术师乔治卢卡斯的工业光魔公司、皮克斯动画电影公司和迪士尼等好莱坞制片厂都会定期在谢尔丹学院选拔人才。
- Honours Bachelor of Information Sciences (Cyber Security) PBAIS 4 YRS
- Honours Bachelor of Business Administration (Accounting) PBACC 4 YRS
- Honours Bachelor of Business Administration (Finance) PBBAF 4 YRS
- Honours Bachelor of Business Administration (Marketing Management) PBBAM 4 YRS
- Honours Bachelor of Business Administration (Supply Chain Management) PBSCM 4 YRS
- Honours Bachelor of Computer Science (Mobile Computing) PBACS 4 YRS
- Honours Bachelor of Information Sciences (Cyber Security) PBAIS 4 YRS
- Honours Bachelor of Computer Science (Specialty in Cloud Computing) PBCPCC 4 YRS
- Honours Bachelor of Computer Science (Specialty in Data Analytics) PBCPDA 4 YRS
- Honours Bachelor of Computer Science – Data Engineering Specialization PBCPDE 4 YRS
- Honours Bachelor of Computer Science (Specialty in Game Engineering) PBCPGE 4 YRS
- Honours Bachelor of Computer Science (Specialty in Network Engineering) PBCPNN 4 YRS
- Business Administration – Finance PBAFI 3 YRS
- Business Administration – Human Resources PBAHR 3 YRS
- Business Administration – Marketing PBAMK 3 YRS
- Business Administration – Accounting PBSAA 3 YRS
- Computer Programming PCPRG 2 YRS
- Computer Systems Technology – Information Systems Engineering PSISC 3 YRS
- Advanced Manufacturing Management PAMFM 1 YR
- Business Analysis and Process Management PBAPM 1 YR
- Creative Industries Management PCRIM 1 YR
- Human Resources Management PHRMC 1 YR
- Marketing Management PMKMC 1 YR
- Professional Accounting PPACGC 1 YR
- Project Management PPRJM 1 YR
- Urban Design PURBN 1 YR
- Public Relations – Corporate Communications PPRCC 1 YR
- Advanced Special Effects Makeup Prosthetics and Props PASEM 1 YR
目前谢尔丹学院针对 2025年1月入学申请目前正在火热进行中,针对2025年5月入学申请已开放!
Conestoga College
康尼斯托加理工学院(Conestoga College)位于加拿大的科技之都——安大略省的滑铁卢地区,距离加拿大最大的城市多伦多仅1小时车程。作为安大略省发展最快的学院之一,康尼斯托加理工学院是加拿大理工教育 (Polytechnic Education)的领导者。
康尼斯托加理工学院提供全日制和非全日制教育课程,包括本科学位,大专文凭,研究生文凭以及技术证书等。紧贴安大略省日新月异的就业市场需求,为学生提供当下雇主所需求的知识技能。康尼斯托加理工学院是安大略省唯一的一所学院提供加拿大工程师认证委员会CEAB官方认可的本科工程学士学位,是加拿大理工高等教育联盟Polytechnics Canada最早的创始成员之一。同时也是AACSB国际精英商学院的教育会员。目前学院设立10个校区,开设超过300+个专业,拥有全日制在校生20000多名,其中,国际生来自全球80个国家和地区。
- 3D Computer Animation (1391)
- Advanced CNC Manufacturing (1581)
- Advertising and Marketing Communications (1532)
- Animation (1400)
- Applied Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning (1557)
- Applied Manufacturing Management – Design Integration 3D Printing (1552)
- Big Data Solution Architecture (1448)
- Applied Electrical Motion and Control Management (1460)
- Applied Energy Management (1459)
- Applied Manufacturing Management – Design Integration (1483)
- Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours) (1514C)
- Cloud Data Management (1527)
- Business Analytics (1521)
- Enhanced Practice for Internationally Educated Nurses (1513)
- Nursing Leadership and Healthcare Management (1506)
- Software Engineering Technology (1132)
康尼斯托加理工学院针对Winter 2025和2025年5月入学申请目前火热进行中,热门专业申请手慢无,申请从速!
George Brown College
乔治布朗学院(George Brown College)是加拿大最大的公立高等学院之一,也是全国12所综合理工学院(Polytechnic Institute)之一。乔治布朗学院自1967年成立起即为加拿大最大城市多伦多的 “城市学院”,乔治布朗学院的3个校区和2个校外教学点均居市中心核心地段。
乔治布朗学院开设 172个大专、学士和研究生证书学历教育以及 1200+继续教育课程。学院全日制学科涵盖广泛领域,主要包括烹饪技术、旅游管理、工商与金融、市场营销、时装与珠宝、平面设计、信息技术、表演艺术、建筑技术、机械工程、健康科学、社区服务、幼儿教育等课程。
2025 入学可申请的部分热门专业推荐
- Applied A.I. Solutions Development (Postgraduate) (T431)
- Computer Programming and Analysis (T177)
- Information Systems Business Analysis (with experiential learning capstone) (Postgraduate) (T405)
- Mobile Application Development and Strategy (Postgraduate) (T440)
- Graphic Design (G102)
- Business Administration – Accounting (with work experience) (B157)
- Business Administration – Finance (with work experience) (B150)
- Human Resources Management (Postgraduate) (B408)
- Marketing Management – Digital Media (Postgraduate) (B433)
- Sport and Event Marketing (Postgraduate) (B400)
- Civil Engineering Technology (T164)
- Culinary Skills (H134)
- Early Childhood Education (C100)
乔治布朗学院目前针对Winter 2025入学申请及Spring 2025入学申请均火热进行中!热门专业申请手慢无,请感兴趣的合作伙伴抓紧时间递交申请!
乔治布朗学院针对香港学生的入学申请要求: 即日起,乔治布朗学院将接受香港中学文凭/香港中学会考 英语 科目最低 D 或 2 级成绩,以及数学科目最低 D 或 2 级成绩的文凭课程申请。或者,学生也可以申请 3 年高中正式成绩单,12 年级英语和 11 年级数学及格分数为 50%,以及其他必修科目。
Humber Polytechnic College
汉博理工学院(Humber Polytechnic College)是加拿大规模最大的公立学院,坐落于加拿大最大的城市多伦多。目前该学院拥有全日制在校生33,000名,国际学生6500名,来自130+国家。学校开设有200+全日制专业。学生毕业6个月内就业率达85.4%,名列大多伦多地区首位。
2025 入学部分热门专业余位推荐
- 3D Modelling and Visual Effects Production
- Accounting, Bachelor of Commerce
- Accounting, Business Administration
- Addictions and Mental Health
- Advertising & Graphic Design
- Architectural Technology
- Artificial Intelligence with Machine Learning
- Baking and Pastry Arts Management
- Broadcast Television/Videography
- Business Insights and Analytics
- Business Management
- Civil Engineering Technology
- Culinary Skills
- Digital Business Management, Bachelor of Commerce
- Early Childhood Education
- Electrical Engineering Technology – Control Systems
- Electromechanical Engineering Technology
- Fashion Management
- Finance, Bachelor of Commerce
- Furniture and Cabinetmaking Techniques
- Healthcare Management, Bachelor of Commerce
- Human Resources Management, Bachelor of Commerce
- Web Design and Development
Fanshawe College
范莎学院(Fanshawe College)位于治安良好、居民友善的安大略省伦敦市。现有注册学生43,000名, 全日制学生21,000名,其中有来自全世界100多个国家的6,500名国际生。学院开设了涵盖本科荣誉学士学位、研究生证书、专科文凭课程共计200多个专业,包括商科、理工科、设计、酒店、传媒、计算机、健康科学以及航空、运输等专业。
2025 入学部分热门专业推荐
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (Co-op)
- Applied Aerospace Manufacturing
- Automative Service Management
- Business-Accounting (Co-op)
- Business-Finance (Co-op)
- Business-Supply Chain and Operations (Co-op)
- Baking and Pastry Arts Management
- Chronic Disease Management
- Culinary Management
- Computer Programming and Analysis
- Construction Project Management
- Digital Communication Management
- Fashion Design (Co-op)
- Graphic Design (Co-op)
Hospitality-Hotel and Resort Services Management (Co-op) - Supply Chain Management-Logistics (Co-op)
- Hospitality and Tourism Operations Management
- Welding and Fabrication Technician (Co-op)
范莎学院目前针对Winter 2025, Spring 2025, Fall 2025以及Winter 2026入学申请已开放,热门专业申请手慢无,请感兴趣的合作伙伴抓紧时间准备申请材料!
不列颠哥伦比亚理工学院(British Columbia Institute of Technology,简称BCIT), 成立于1964年,属于加拿大大型公立理工学院,位于位于加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省本拿比市。BCIT是加拿大西部历史最悠久及最大的职业导向学院。毕业生就业率高达98%!
- 3D Modeling, Art & Animation Diploma Undergraduate Full-time
- Accounting Bachelor of Accounting Undergraduate Full-time
- Aircraft Gas Turbine Technician Certificate Full-time
- Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Category ‘E’ (Electronics) Diploma Full-time
- Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Category ‘M’ (Maintenance) Diploma Full-time
- Applied Computer Science (Database Option) Bachelor of Science Undergraduate Full-time
- Automotive Service Technician and Operations Diploma Full-time
- Aviation Management and Operations Diploma Full-time
- Business Management Advanced Diploma Undergraduate Full-time
- Business and Media Study Abroad – For International Students Undergraduate Full-time
- Computer Systems Technology (CST) Diploma Undergraduate Full-time
- Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology (ECET) Diploma (Levels 1 – 4) Undergraduate Full-time
- Environmental Engineering Bachelor of Technology Undergraduate Full-time
Vancouver Community College
温哥华社区学院(Vancouver Community College,简称VCC)位于加拿大最西边的不列颠哥伦比亚省,是省内最大最古老,政府认可的公立社区学院。学院每年有一万五千名学生就读。温哥华社区学院提供各式各样的课程,包括证书,文凭,本科和研究生文凭等。
- Baking and Pastry Arts
- Accounting – 仅限已有学签的申请人申请
- Business and Project Management
- Marketing Technology
- Graphic Design
- Cosmetology
- Hospitality Management
- Network Technology Administration and Security
- Automotive Collision and Refinishing -仅限已有学签的申请人申请
- Automotive Service Technology-仅限已有学签的申请人申请
- Associate of Science – Computer Science Pathway
VCC针对Winter 2025入学申请以及Spring/Summer 2025入学申请火热进行中,部分热门专业已满位!
Baking and Pastry Dual Certificates,Early Childhood Care and Education Diploma,Culinary Arts Diploma, Cosmetology Diploma 等专业申请竞争激烈,手慢无,建议有意向的请抓紧时间递交申请!
南阿尔伯塔理工学院(Southern Alberta Institute of Technology,简称SAIT)成立于1963年,位于加拿大阿尔伯塔省卡尔加里市,在加拿大科技教育院校中也极富盛名。它以传授实用知识为特点,让学生在为期一至四年的学习中,掌握实际工作技能,并可以获得各种证书、文凭和学士学位证书。
- Business Intelligence: Data Analysis and Reporting
- Film and Video Production
- Information Systems Security
- Information Technology Services
- Interactive Design – Graphic Design
- Interactive Design – User Experience
- Interactive Design – Web Design and Development
- Software Development
- Administrative Information Management
- Bachelor of Applied Business Administration
- Business Administration
- Journalism
- Architectural Technologies
- Bachelor of Applied Technology Geographic Information Systems
- Bachelor of Science Construction Project Management (asynchronus)
- Civil Engineering Technology
- Bachelor of Applied Technology – Petroleum Engineering
- Chemical Engineering Technology
- Petroleum Engineering Technology
- Power Engineering Technology
- Healthcare Leadership
- Optician
- Baking and Pastry Arts
- Culinary Arts
- H&T Management – Event Management
- H&T Management – Hotel and Accommodation
- H&T Management – Restaurant and Service Operations
- H&T Management – Travel and Tourism
- Non-Destructive Testing Foundations
- Aircraft Structures Technician
- Railway Conductor
SAIT目前针对Fall 2024入学申请目前已关闭,针对Winter 2025和Spring 2025入学申请目前正在火热进行中,热门专业申请手慢无,申请从速!
SAIT限时免申请费政策:2024年9月13日前,凡申请SAIT 2025年1或5月课程的学生,均可豁免150加币的申请费,欢迎详询!