
htica 加拿大研究生

滑铁卢大学(University of Waterloo),简称滑大(Waterloo,UWaterloo,UW),位于加拿大安大略省滑铁卢市,是一所公立研究型大学,加拿大U15研究型大学联盟成员。滑铁卢大学拥有加拿大最大的工程学院以及世界最大的学习与实习合作教育(CO-OP),是北美地区最优大学之一,其数学、计算机科学和工程学科教学及研究水平居世界前列,其中优势专业计算机科学稳居加拿大第一。



数据科学领域研究促进从可用数据中获得洞察力的方法的应用和开发,以便理解、预测和改进业务战略、产品和服务、营销活动、医学、公共卫生和安全以及许多其他追求 。



学制:4 to 6 terms,2年 总学分:

学费:7,696加币/学期 是否STEAM:N/A

课程设置:Students must complete at least 4 courses. Students lacking adequate background in computer science may be required to take CS 600 Fundamentals of Computer Science for Data Science, and students lacking adequate background in statistics may be required to take STAT 845 Statistical Concepts for Data Science. Neither of these courses may be counted toward the 4 course requirement. The 4 courses must normally include:
1. STAT 847 Exploratory Data Analysis
2. Exactly 1 of:
CS 631 Data-Intensive Distributed Analytics, or
CS 651 Data-Intensive Distributed Computing
3. At least 1 of:
CS 680 Introduction to Machine Learning
CS 685 Machine Learning: Statistical and Computational Foundations
CS 686 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
CS 795 / CO 602 / CM 740 Fundamentals of Optimization
CS 794 / CO 673 Optimization for Data Science
CO 650 Combinatorial Optimization
CO 663 Convex Optimization and Analysis
CS 786 Probabilistic Inference and Machine Learning
CS 886 Advanced Topics in Artificial intelligence
STAT 840 / CM 761 Computational Inference
STAT 841 / CM 763 Statistical Learning – Classification
STAT 844 / CM 764 Statistical Learning – Advanced Regression
STAT 946 Topics in Probability and Statistics(*)
4. The fourth course is normally chosen from the following list:
Machine learning / statistical learning / optimization
CS 680 Introduction to Machine Learning
CS 685 Machine Learning: Statistical and Computational Foundations
CS 686 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
CS 795 / CO 602 / CM 740 Fundamentals of Optimization
CS 794 / CO 673 Optimization for Data Science
CO 650 Combinatorial Optimization
CO 663 Convex Optimization and Analysis
CO 769 Topics in Continuous Optimization(*)
CS 786 Probabilistic Inference and Machine Learning
CS 885 Advanced Topics in Computational Statistics(*)
CS 886 Advanced Topics in Artificial intelligence
STAT 840 / CM 761 Computational Inference
STAT 841 / CM 763 Statistical Learning – Classification
STAT 844 / CM 764 Statistical Learning – Advanced Regression
STAT 946 Topics in Probability and Statistics(*)
Computer systems and databases
CS 638 Principles of Database Management and Use
CS 648 Database Systems Implementation
CS 656 Computer Networks
CS 657 System Performance Evaluation
CS 658 Computer Security and Privacy
CS 740 Database Engineering
CS 741 Non-Traditional Databases
CS 742 Parallel and Distributed Database Systems
CS 743 Principles of Database Management and Use
CS 755 Systems and Network Architectures and Implementation
CS 848 Advanced Topics in Databases(*)
Distributed computing
CS 654 Distributed Systems
CS 856 Advanced Topics in Distributed Computing(*)
Data exploration
STAT 842 / CM 762 Data Visualization
CS 798 Advanced Research Topics(*)

学生必须完成至少 4 门课程。缺乏足够计算机科学背景的学生可能需要学习 CS 600 数据科学计算机科学基础知识,缺乏足够统计背景的学生可能需要学习 STAT 845 数据科学统计概念。这些课程都不计入 4 门课程的要求。这 4 门课程通常必须包括:
1. STAT 847 探索性数据分析
2. 恰好 1 个:
CS 631 数据密集型分布式分析,或
CS 651 数据密集型分布式计算
3. 至少其中一项:
CS 680 机器学习简介
CS 685 机器学习:统计和计算基础
CS 686 人工智能简介
CS 795 / CO 602 / CM 740 优化基础知识
CS 794 / CO 673 数据科学优化
CO 650 组合优化
CO 663 凸优化与分析
CS 786 概率推理和机器学习
CS 886 人工智能高级主题
STAT 840 / CM 761 计算推理
STAT 841 / CM 763 统计学习 – 分类
STAT 844 / CM 764 统计学习 – 高级回归
STAT 946 概率与统计主题(*)
4. 第四门课程通常从以下列表中选择:
CS 680 机器学习简介
CS 685 机器学习:统计和计算基础
CS 686 人工智能简介
CS 795 / CO 602 / CM 740 优化基础知识
CS 794 / CO 673 数据科学优化
CO 650 组合优化
CO 663 凸优化与分析
CO 769 持续优化主题(*)
CS 786 概率推理和机器学习
CS 885 计算统计高级主题(*)
CS 886 人工智能高级主题
STAT 840 / CM 761 计算推理
STAT 841 / CM 763 统计学习 – 分类
STAT 844 / CM 764 统计学习 – 高级回归
STAT 946 概率与统计主题(*)
CS 638 数据库管理和使用原则
CS 648 数据库系统实施
CS 656 计算机网络
CS 657 系统性能评估
CS 658 计算机安全和隐私
CS 740 数据库工程
CS 741 非传统数据库
CS 742 并行和分布式数据库系统
CS 743 数据库管理和使用原则
CS 755 系统和网络架构及实施
CS 848 数据库高级主题(*)
CS 654 分布式系统
CS 856 分布式计算高级主题(*)
STAT 842 / CM 762 数据可视化
CS 798 高级研究课题(*)


典型就业行业:Graduates have been very successful in gaining subsequent employment, including core public and private sector planning careers (such as local government and local, national and international consultancies), as well as the housing and transport sectors; planning, urban regeneration and environmental agencies; public and private utility companies; think tanks and public policy organisations; environmental campaign groups;andteaching and research.





截止日期:国际生:2023年10月16-2024年6月28 (close at 5 pm uk time)



